Monday, September 8, 2008
- Eigrp supports IP, APPLETALK and Novell Netware Internet packet exchange(IPX) through the use of PROTOCOL DEPENDANT MODULES
- Eigrp does not require any special configuration to work across Layer2 Protocols
- ospf uses different configuration for different Layer2 Protocols , such as Ethernet and Frame-relay
- Eigrp represent values in 32 bit format for additional granularity
- Neighbor discovery / recovery
- Reliable Transport Protocol RTP
- DUAL finite state machine
- Protocol Dependant Modules (PDM'S)
- Guaranteed ordered delivery of EIGRP packets .
- Intermixed transmission of Multicast and Unicast Packets
- Responsible for network layer Protocol Specific requirements
- IP Eigrp module is responsible for sending and receiving eigrp pakects that are encapsulated in IP
- The ip-eigrp also responsible for parsing Eigrp Packets and informing DUAL of the new Information received
- Ip-eigrp asks Dual to make routing decisions , the results ofwhich are stored in ip routing table
- Ip-eigrp is responsible for re-distributing routes learned by other ip routing protocols
- AD = cost of next hop router and destination
- FD = cost from local router + cost between Local router and next hop router
- A Recomputation occurs when destination has no Feasible Successor
- Recomputation is the way to determine new successor when feasible successor are absent
- Recomputation is not processor intensive
- Its always better to avoid Re-Computation
- In the process , if the neighbor router has a route for destination , it sends a reply packet
- If it does not have a router it sends QUERY packet
- While the destination in active state , a router cannot change the Destination routing table information
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