Saturday, August 30, 2008

hai as all of you know , accessing a cisco router or buying it is very hard and only few people can afford that ... so people start practicing on bad simulators ... and they dont get the concept .. at ccna and ccnp level it is important to learn concept with original ios as we will be aiming for a ccie ...

the reason behind this is simple .. simulators are programmed by a programmer who inputs maximum number of commands he knows .. he cannot put a cisco ios in the simulator... so most of the commands wont work for real life on a sim ..

in order to overcome this people started using gns3 ... graphical network simulator ... you still thinking by the name as it is called a simulator .. yes its a stimulator but uses the original cisco ios and this is what makes it original .. and it will behave as a router when installed on a computer ...

it can be used to practice all the ios commands and codes unlike an dupe sim...

so here we go ...

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