ospf network type : point-to-multipoint
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
ospf network type : point-to-multipoint
ospf network type ponit-to-multipoint does not support DR and BDR election
point-to-multipoint sends hello packets to the multicast address
point-to-multipoint must be manually configured at the interface level using the
command "ip ospf network point-to-multipoint"
There is a difference between point-to-multipoint and the other two broadcast and non-broadcast
with the next-hop resolution on a nbma media .
ospf network type point-to-multipoint treats the network as a
collection of point-to-point links instead of one broadcast network
In broadcast and non-broadcast , ospf does not deal with layer 2 topology
and may not relate it with layer 3 network .
ospf network types broadcast and non-broadcast , next hop values are not
modified when updates are sent on nbma
This implies the device on nbma cloud requires layer 3 to layer 2 resolution
for any endpoint injecting into the network.
In ospf network type point-to-multipoint , next hop values are changed to the
address of directly connceted neighbor when they are advertised across
the NBMA cloud.
Routers on NBMA network only need layer 3 to layer 2 resolution for
directly connected neighbors when running ospf network point-to-multipoint
ospf network type point-to-multipoint advertises the endpoints of the
point-to-multipoint network as host routes instead of actual network itself